Friday, January 31, 2020

Liberal Studies Essay Example for Free

Liberal Studies Essay How do economic prosperity and rule of law depend on each other? It is doubtless that economic prosperity and rule of law are indivisible. And to answer how they depend on each other, stating the definition of ‘economic prosperity’ and ‘rule of law’ is inevitable. ‘Economic prosperity’ means that overall, the economy is doing well and most people have sufficient income for essentials and perhaps a little extra. It means that businesses are hiring and jobs are relatively easy to get. However, it does not mean that everyone has a job or that everyone is well off. On the other hand, the ‘rule of law’ means that the law should govern by limiting all conduct and behavior of all people and organizations in the society. Economic prosperity depends on the rule of law. One of the major functions of the rule of law is maintaining social stability. It is a well-known fact that investors and business men tend to invest their money on a stable, peaceful and well-ordered society. The reason is that in a more stable place, with fewer disputes and a well-established legal system, their money will be safer. This enhances economic prosperity. Moreover, in the Basic Law, it is clearly stated that people hold the right of private ownership of property, which means that the efforts of their work and the fruits of production are enjoyed exclusively by themselves. Hence, people are encouraged to work harder for their own benefits and create wealth. This promotes sustained economic growth and long-term prosperity. Also, even before the unification, Hong Kong has always been a famous free port in the world. In accordance to the Basic Law, Hong Kong shall take the low tax policy previously pursued in Hong Kong as reference to enact laws on its own concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions, allowances and exemptions, and other matters of taxation. Thus, the Hong Kong government does not set trade barriers such as customs tariff and quota on most imported and exported goods. Since no trade barriers are set, more products will flow in Hong Kong and consumers can choose from greater varieties of products. In addition, cons umers can buy products of higher quality but with lower prices. This stimulates consumption, which hopefully leads to an economic growth. In short, the free trade policy has contributed a lot to the overall economic development of Hong Kong. Likewise, the rule of law deals with corruptions. Under the principle of the rule of law, the law is above everything, even the government. Corruption and cronyism discourage domestic and foreign investment. The rule of law eradicates these problems and protects the economy. Simultaneously, the rule of law also depends on economic prosperity. How so? When the economy is prosperous, as stated above, most people have adequate income for daily necessities and perhaps, a little extra. Generally, businesses are hiring and jobs are relatively easy to get. In that case, people have less complains about the government and the society is likely to be more stable. In simpler words, economic prosperity stabilizes the society. Furthermore, when the economy is doing well, hopefully people is going to have more disposable income for consumption, investments etc. So, a prosperous economy will create demand for more protection of property rights, and rule of law. Maintaining the supremacy of the judicial and the rule of law requires resources. A well-doing economy provides more resources for the judiciary to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of legal institutions, including supporting the introduction of modern facilities, case management practices, information sharing, training of judges and other court personnel, and stronger mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability. This further ensures that the court and the law are supreme. The rule of law is secured in consequence. In my opinion, the degree of dependence of economic prosperity on the rule of law is way more than that of the rule of law on economic prosperity. Nevertheless, it is not the main focus of the question, which casts doubt on how the two depend on each other, but not the extent. In conclusion, it is apparent that economic prosperity and rule of law depend on each other a lot. Without the rule of law, firstly, people do not have the right of private ownership of property, which obviously is going to cause many disputes in the community since the result of the hard work of individuals may be taken away from them. Secondly, the free trade policy of Hong Kong since the reign of the British Empire may also lose, which will severely affect the overall economic well-being of Hong Kong consequently. Thirdly, the rule of law eradicates corruptions and relevant activities which deteriorate the economy. From these, we can see how economic prosperity depends on the rule of law. A place could never achieve a prosperous economy if there is no rule of law. In a similar way, without a prosperous economy, the rule of law would definitely not be in good state too. First, the society is going to be more stable as citizens hold less complains about the government. Second, since generally the economy is doing well, it is doubtless that people will have more disposable income thus promote consumption and other business activities, eventually stimulating the economy. Plus, to maintain and secure both judicial supremacy and the rule of law requires resources. Economic prosperity provides those resources to the judiciary. No wonder why people said the rule of law relies on economic prosperity. Last but not least, economic prosperity depends on the rule of law, and vice versa. To have the two is the key to a successful country, where economic development and democracy is balanced.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Television Advertisement Essay -- Communication, Media

Television can be used to demonstrate the product in action, or to use colour and sound to build an atmosphere around the product, thus enhancing its image (Fahy & Jobber, 2006). The emphasis for this thesis will be television advertisements, because of the many elements of television, sound, colour, sight and motion that aid the presentation of the message. Also the fact that Brassington and Pettitt (2000) argue that television is better for creating an advertisement message with emotional appeals, contributes to our concentration to television advertisements. The degree of television advertisement standardization/adaptation at the international level refers mainly to the manipulation by the manager of the promotional mix elements (Bradley & Sousa, 2005). Supporters of standardization say a trend is sweeping both marketing and advertising – the movement to create products that are manufactured, packaged and promoted the same way around the world, regardless of individual cult ures (Mueller, 1989). According to Bradley & Sousa (2005) higher degree of adaptation is encouraged when the manager perceives great differences, in the economic environment and life styles between the home and foreign country. On the one hand, those who support the global standardization approach argue that a single television advertisement should be used in international markets to reduce total costs and promote a global corporate image. On the other hand, those who support the internationalization school of thought see the need for marketing adaptation to fit the unique dimensions of each local market. (Vrontis, 2003). Countries differ widely in the availability, quality, coverage, audience, and cost of advertising media (Root, 1994). According to Laroche ... ... Paek (2007) observed that domestic brands were more likely than multinational brands to use localized Latin music and lyrics in the Dominican Republic. Visual elements Colour is an essential part of products, logos and advertising, and can be an effective means of creating and sustaining brand and corporate images in customers’ minds. Colours are known to possess emotional and psychological properties. The meanings associated with different colours are important to marketers when developing advertisements, because results have demonstrated that people of different cultures have various preferences for colour. It is important for marketers to understand which colours that people prefer. Consequently, managers must acknowledge that the meanings associated with some colours may be pan-cultural, regional, or unique to a given culture. (Hewett, Madden & Roth, 1999)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bullying Research Paper

No matter who you are in the world, at some point in your life you’ll experience some form of bullying. Whether it is in school or online, bullying is a serious issue and has significantly impacted many individuals and how they live their daily lives. This issue hits close to home because I’ve been bullied for as long as I can remember. I even conducted my own experiment on Facebook by posting a picture of my friends and I at the beach in our bathing suits on a page called, â€Å"The World’s Cutest Teens†. I knew that the picture would get some rude comments so I waited, and that’s exactly what happened.People began to call us rude names and basically told us that we were disgusting. I took a picture of all the rude comments and the picture of us and made a collage, I then reposted it on the page saying that I would use the information I found in my research paper. I said that it doesn’t matter who you are in the world, bullying still happens today and it needs to be addressed, that picture now has over 20,000 â€Å"likes† on Facebook and I’m receiving tons of messages from people saying how smart I am to have come up with this idea.Now although I didn’t take the rude comments to heart, there are still many people in the world that do. It hurts them and ruins their self esteem. Bullying is a human rights violation. It is the abuse of the powerless by those who think they have all of the power. Bullying is the first human rights violation millions of students in the United States will confront. As a human rights organization, STTP [Speak Truth To Power] stated in a recent interview that they can’t simply ignore the fact that children aren’t able to get the proper education that they deserve because of bullies.They have to do their best to put a stop to as much bullying as possible. Two children in every classroom in America are estimated to miss at least one day of school each month bec ause they feel unsafe. Local governments realize we cannot afford to dismiss youth violence as simply â€Å"kids being kids. † Anti-bullying legislation has been passed in 49 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. But laws and reporting systems aren't enough. We must move beyond simply having the systems in place to react to bullying.We must instill in our youth the ideals of civility and respect, and we must create environments that prevent bullying everywhere our children live, learn and play. (â€Å"Schools Have Work to Do†) However, bullying doesn’t just exist in school, bullying can happen anywhere at any time and people need to know what they can do to help prevent and stop the bullies from attacking. First, you want to make sure that the person being bullied informs someone that the bullying is occurring by telling a trusted adult.Then, if you haven’t already, confront the bully by telling them how what they’re doing to you is rea lly upsetting and you would like it if they could please stop. If the bullying still continues, the best option is to let the bullies’ parents know what is happening so they can handle the situation. And if that still doesn’t work, you can always call the police and let them talk to the bully, most of the time bullies will stop their actions if they know they’ll get in serious trouble if they continue. (Kennedy, Kerry)To many people, bullying is people saying rude things to each other face to face or having some sort of abusive contact with one another. However, this is not the case. As I stated in my personal story earlier, bullying also takes place on the internet [most commonly social networking sites]. This type of bullying is referred to as â€Å"cyberbullying†. Many people believe that cyberbullying isn’t a real issue; they say that it’s your own fault for continuing to stay on the social networking site you’re being bullied on, you could just simply shut your computer off.This of course is very unrealistic, teenagers shouldn’t have to delete their social networking sites, turn off their computers, and so forth just because of bullies. Teenagers should be able to enjoy talking to their friends and interacting without having to worry about bullies harassing them. (Foxman, Abraham) Cyberbullying has become a real threat, and parents and educators must work together to get rid of antisocial and harmful harassment and make such crimes punishable by law.There is currently a law being put into place, set to take effect next year. The law was passed in large part because of the tragic suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer of Williamsville. The 14-year-old killed himself last September after absorbing relentless bullying over his sexual orientation. Police at the time said that because of weaknesses in state law regarding cyberbullying, there was little they could have done for Jamey. The new law moves to rectify that . Had it been in place already, Jamey's story might have taken a different turn.Implemented properly and pursued diligently, it will no doubt prevent much misery in the future. The new law defines cyberbullying as harassment taking place through any electronic means and that â€Å"reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or emotional harm to a student. † School districts would have a responsibility for incidents occurring on and off school grounds. It also creates a system for reports of cyberbullying to reach school principals or superintendents and requires prompt intervention by school officials.Schools will also be required to establish anti-cyberbullying policies and to report incidents to law enforcement if school officials believe the acts constitute criminal conduct. It also calls for training for teachers and administrators. (Ells,June) This story leads me into my next point which is on teen suicide. As of early 2010, suicide was the third leading cause of death of those between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four and the fourth leading cause of death for children between the ages of ten and fourteen.According to the Southern California Academic Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention, young females were more likely to attempt suicide, though males were about five times more likely to die by suicide. According to a 1996 report of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), more young people died from suicide than from AIDS, birth defects, cancer, chronic lung disease, heart disease, influenza, pneumonia, and stroke combined. While the desire to commit suicide usually stems from a disorder such as depression, suicide is preventable.According to ABC News nearly 30 percent of students bully others or are victims of bullying. A report by Yale University in Connecticut indicates that victims of bullying are up to nine times more likely to consider suicide than their peers who are not bullied. Bullying comes in many forms and may include physical attacks, destruction of personal property, verbal abuse, starting rumors, name calling, and verbal attacks, which may be made in person, online, or through texting. Dr.Dan Olweus, a psychology professor from Norway and developer of the OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program, says, â€Å"a person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. † Bullying is most common between the fourth and eighth grades. A new term, â€Å"bullycide† has recently been used to describe those who have committed suicide because of bullying.According to, suicide rates among adolescents are rising, particularly in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. It’s sad to think that there are so many teenagers in the world that are being effected by bullying so much that they woul d consider taking their own lives. Suicide is not the answer; suicide is a permanent fix to a temporary problem. Since depression caused by bullying is one of the leading causes of teen suicide, treatment of this condition is often the first step to preventing suicide. Treatments may include counseling, residential treatment, and medication, though the latter should be used with caution.The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has a â€Å"black box† warning, its most severe label, on all antidepressants. Research has shown that children and teens on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may have increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Experts recommend careful monitoring of young people on such medication. Those suffering from depression feel alone and helpless, so communication is vital. According to NAMI, about 80 percent of those who commit suicide exhibit warning signs or tell others of their intentions before they act.Any mention of death or suicide should be t aken seriously. Many people believe that discussing suicide openly with someone who is contemplating suicide is wrong. In fact, asking someone openly about his or her plans is helpful. Asking questions such as, â€Å"Have you thought about how you would do it? † and â€Å"Do you have the means? † help determine the severity of the situation. Someone who discovers another's intention to commit suicide should immediately call 911 or take the individual to an emergency room or the nearest psychiatric facility. (â€Å"Teen Suicide†)As stated before, bullying is a serious issue, not only in schools, but outside of schools too. Bullying can happen at anywhere, at anytime, to anybody, including on the internet. However there are many ways that we can help stop and prevent bullying and if there was some way we could stop bullying for good, we could all live in a better world and teenagers wouldn’t continue to take their own lives because someone is making them fe el depressed or worthless. There is always someone that can help and if you’re being bullied you need to seek help immediately so you can get back to living a normal bully free life.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Effects Of Divorce On Our Society - 1034 Words

The United States is a country that takes pride in the fact that no matter what religion, race or sex you are you can join together in the unity of marriage. Many people dream of growing up and marrying the love of their life and having a family, but they do not take into consideration there are 2.3 million marriages a year, with over 1.2 million divorces (â€Å"The Impact of Divorce on Our Society†). Divorce is not limited to breaking apart the husband and wife; it destroys families, siblings and the future of the American children. Divorces cause money, crime and education issues and an overall effect on the children caught in the middle, which follows them into their adult life. A $1,000 of taxpayer’s money is spent dealing with the consequences of broken families (â€Å"The Impact of Divorce on Our Society†). The amount of money spent in divorce procedures and in the long run is astronomical. From divorce lawyers to child support, there is no denying this bonus part of life is expensive. It impacts families as well as tax payers and the government. The median household net worth is $132,000 for marrieds, $35,000 for singles, and $33,670 for divorced individuals (â€Å"The Impact of Divorce on Our Society†). If people get married, they have a far better chance to earn a comfortable living, but they have to stay together. If not, the taxpayers and government have to pay consequences for divorces. If people took the time to make sure their partner was for life, then the expense wouldShow MoreRelatedEssay about How Divorce is Affecting the American Culture1667 Words   |  7 PagesThe effects of divorce on the American culture are immense . Social scientists have been studying these effects for many years now. 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